
wkhtmltopdf - Manual

Een murb'ed feed, meer 13 jaar geleden geplaatst onder html, css, javascript, development, print, documentation, converter, page & pdf.

Command line utility that is able to convert html documents (both on- and offline (local)) to a pdf, including ability to generate a table of contents, header/footer and a dedicated cover page. Formatting is covered by CSS, and scripts are being executed.

In ruby the following gems/plug-ins are available that utilize this utility: Wicked PDF and PDFKit. For me, however, the command line option worked more flexibly and predictably. HTML+CSS is rather limited. For full control something like Prawn might be of help, although I haven’t used it myself (too much hassle), or try passing a custom XSL with WKHTMLTOPDF.

Back to WKHTMLTOPDF: To prevent breaks in your tables/images see the following comment and this bug report

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