
Today I attended a meeting …

Een murb'ed feed, 11 maanden geleden geplaatst onder security, encryption & passwords.

Today I attended a meeting with some non-tech #freelancers and I had to explain them about some basic digital hygiene. These were people without a password manager, reusing #passwords, still using free wifi hotspots without #encryption unaware of diskencryption (most mac users had FileVault on though), hardly ever use a 2nd factor... I had it summed up in a short summary doc, but I need to rethink my approach on how to even start explaining this... and where do I even start... some use Chrome; some Safari, some Firefox, some Android, some iOS... as one of them suggested, we need a computer "APK" (Dutch obligatory checkup for cars), a yearly check up of machines we use to do our work professionally. Simple checklists aren't enough, people don't even know what the items mean.


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