
The velten mood induction procedure: A methodological review

Een murb'ed feed, bijna 14 jaren geleden geplaatst onder communication, emotion, speech, imported, citeulike, induction, mood & velten.

The Velten Mood Induction Procedure (1968) has been used extensively to induce elated and depressed moods in experimental subjects, and a wide range of psychological and behavioral effects have been studied following mood induction. This paper reviews experimental findings relating to the effectiveness of the Velten Mood Induction Procedure. Evidence is provided from 46 experiments concerning behavioral and self-report measures of assessment. Implications for the use of this procedure in mood induction research are discussed. It is concluded that the findings relating to the Velten procedure’s effectiveness, and assessments of the contribution of demand characteristics to the procedure, are inconsistent and equivocal….

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