SocialLinker (a new rubygem)

An article, posted about 8 years ago filed in ruby, rubygem, gem, social_linker, rails, rubygems by murb, share, privacy, google+, facebook, google & twitter.

I had a few projects that I thought could use some share ‘buttons’, but I didn’t like to include the JavaScript loaded and privacy invading share buttons that the networks try to sell you by default. Neither did I like to concatenate the links with all variables required for each project… so I wrote a small rubygem on a back and forth train trip (#ilovetrains ;)): social_linker.

The idea is that you share something about a certain subject, hence you initalize the SocialLinker::Subject and then you’ll be able to generate share links from it:


How it works

Initialize the subject with enough material to generate links from, such as the page’s url, maybe the media url (mainly for Pinterest type-shares), a description, tags etc.

For example, initialize the SocialLinker::Subject as follows:

social_linker_subject =
  media: "", 
  url: "", 
  title: "Example website", 
  description: " is the typical URL you would want to use in explanations anyway."

You’ll get the e-mail share url by calling:


Which will deliver you the following url:


Or to save you the copy-paste:


The supported options are:

I’ve tried to map them as good as possible to the different share tools. Sometimes by combining several values. You may also pass along link-specific parameters such as :status (for twitter), so no status is generated from the link, the title and the tags (make sure that you include a link though).

You’ll find the MIT-licensed source on Github, suggestions for improvements are welcome (do make sure you write nice tests for them, everything is rspec’d)!

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