Phoenix’ Channels With Coherence authentication

An article, posted more than 7 years ago filed in coherence, elixer, erlang, vm, authentication, Phoenix, framework, fast, messaging, rails, ActionCable & websockets.

I started exploring Phoenix for one thing only: Channels (or actually fast real time communication over websockets). In this post I explore how to use them (yes this is a follow up of My first Phoenix-app-post).

Phoenix’ Channels

Preparing for the authentication problem

Websockets don’t pass session cookies. Because we don’t have access to these we need to transfer the user’s identity in a different way. One of the recommendations I found was passing a user_token using a <meta>-tag (adjusting templates/layout/app.html.eex):

<%= if Coherence.current_user(@conn) do %>
<%= tag :meta, name: "user_token", content: Phoenix.Token.sign(@conn, "user", Coherence.current_user(@conn).id) %>
<% end %>

We can access this with a simple query selector in javascript:


But that’s for later. Let’s move to the server side, since we need something to connect to, a Socket.


In our default project there is already a user_socket.ex in the web/channels folder. Open it and uncomment the following line:

channel "room:*", MyApp.RoomChannel

Then rewrite the connect function to accept a token as a parameter:

def connect(%{"token" => token}, socket) do
  case Phoenix.Token.verify(socket, "user", token, max_age: 1209600) do
    {:ok, user_id} ->
      socket = assign(socket, :user, MyApp.Repo.get!(MyApp.User, user_id))
      {:ok, socket}
    {:error, _} ->

Phoenix.Token.verify does all the magic, and turns a given token into a user_id, allowing us to access the user through Repo.get! (namespaced by the application name here).

Note As said, I really found this something to get used to: Repo.get!(User, id), instead of User.find(id)

Above code is also mentioning a RoomChannel, which we will create next:

defmodule MyApp.RoomChannel do
  use Phoenix.Channel
  # intercept ["new_post"]
  def join("room:" <> _private_room_id, _params, socket) do
    {:ok, socket}

  def handle_in("new_post", %{"message" => message}, socket) do
    user = Coherence.current_user(socket)
    changeset = MyApp.Post.changeset(%MyApp.Post{user: user}, %{message: message)
    {status, post} = MyApp.Repo.insert(changeset)
    if status == :ok do
      broadcast! socket, "new_post", %{message: post.message, id:, inserted_at: post.inserted_at}
    {:noreply, socket}
  # def handle_out("new_post", payload, socket) do
  #  user = socket.assigns[:user] 
  #  if MyApp.User.mentioned?(payload.message, user) do
  #    push socket, "new_post", payload
  #  end
  #  {:noreply, socket}
  # end

I’ve commented out the handle_out/3 code here (note /3 depicts that this function has 3 arguments.

When a message enters the room channel the user is retrieved from the socket, a changeset is prepared (like in our controller) and if ok a new message is broadcast in the room.

Note: This message will flow through handle_out when it matches the intercept, which allows us to do some checking. In this case the code calls the User.mentioned?/2-function, which checks whether the logged in user-name is mentioned in the message and only pushes the message to the user when the user is mentioned.

Plugging into the socket, client-side

Foundation comes with the necessary code. Simply uncomment the following line in app.js:

import socket from "./socket"

And update the code to something along the lines of the following:

import {Socket} from "phoenix"

let socket = null

if (document.querySelector("meta[name=user_token]")) {

  socket = new Socket("/socket", {
    params: {


  // Now that you are connected, you can join channels with a topic:

  let channel ="room:1", {})

  let message = document.querySelector("#post_message")
  let messagesContainer = document.querySelector("#posts")

  message.addEventListener("keypress", event => {
    if(event.keyCode === 13){
      channel.push("new_post", {message: message.value})
      message.value = null
  channel.on("new_post", post => {
    let messageItem = document.createElement("li");
    messageItem = post.message

    .receive("ok", resp => { console.log("Joined successfully", resp) })
    .receive("error", resp => { console.log("Unable to join", resp) })

export default socket

I made sure I only connect to a socket when a user is actually logged in (when a token is mentioned in the header, this to prevent unneeded traffic).

The listener channel.on(“new_post”…) displays any messages sent to the room tagged new_post. The rest is straight forward JavaScript (ES6-style).

We’re relying here on some more dom code, but make sure the page you’re displaying the posts on contains an input field with id post_message. And a container to be filled with posts with id posts (in this case a <ol>), but I’ll leave the very HTML up to you.


After two days of experimenting I’m confident building an actual application in Phoenix / Elixir. While the programming style is something to get used to, its response is fast. There are quite some things I really like about the framework, including the schema definition inclusion and valid parameter parsing in the model. I recommend you to try Phoenix yourself!

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