I'm nitpicking a bit on code naming...

An article, posted 5 months ago filed in ruby, development, software, naming & Martin Fowler.

In a code review that I did today, I left a final note to the author of some new piece of code:

Sorry for nitpicking on code naming. The approaches you take are good, but naming is hard (but important!):

> There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.

(see here a list of variations on these two hard problem 'jokes' in Computer Science)

I enjoy the ruby programming language because you can get a long way by just assuming things. A collection implements each, every object has nil?, in rails, I can get the relationship of a record and use scopes to filter the relationships as defined in the class of that related record. If it ands with a questionmark, it returns a boolean(y). Anyway.

So while they might say: "never assume things", and sure, a lot of things are chaos, but ideally not our code base :) I prefer to work from assuming t…

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Het agile manifest

An article, posted almost 9 years ago filed in agile, manifesto, Martin Fowler & dave thomas.

Ergens in de herst van 2010 ontekende ik 'm ook, het agile manifesto:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

In de geest ervan heb ik altijd gewerkt en wens ik te blijven werken. In deze serie verken ik de vier hoofdpunten met anecdotes uit de praktijk.

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