
Ghostwoman, Silver Jews, Bill Callahan, LoverMan…

A murb'ed feed, posted about one year ago filed in lastfm, music, muziek, itunes, playlist, Silver Jews, Bill Callahan, Vanishing Twin, Yin Yin & EKKSTACY.
I was playing about one year ago, probably among other songs still on CD, music from the following bands/composors/etc.: Ghostwoman, Silver Jews, Bill Callahan, LoverMan, King Hannah, Marta Del Grandi, The Bug Club, Theo Lawrence The Hearts, Danger Mouse, Emma Anderson, Miss Tiny, Day Wave, Jack Penate, Lankum, Elliott Armen, Creation Rebel, Noah Yorke, Frog, Baronze, Elysian Fields, Peter Kernel, Kit Sebastian, Vanishing Twin, Yin Yin, The Jeffrey Lee Pierce Sessions Project, Girl Scout, The Streets, EKKSTACY, Maxwell Farrington Le SuperHomard, Fat Dog, Get Well Soon, Sprints, Dominique Dalcan, STRFKR, EMPRS, Willie J Healey, Gwendoline, Bonaparte.