Be aware though: Sometimes we understand just a part of the problem. We fix it, only to discover problems arising a…

Een murb'ed feed, ongeveer 7 jaren geleden geplaatst onder problem, solution, society, testing & engineering.

Tim Pote:

The essential bit is that developers understand that the value we provide is understanding itself. Not the artifact per se. (Though understanding w/o an artifact is potentially worse than vice versa.)

Joe Armstrong:

Yes - 100%

I keep telling people “programming is understanding” - the computer is a machine that tests if your ideas are correct.

Once you understand a problem the program can usually be written pretty quickly. Understanding a problem can take years.


“Be aware though: Sometimes we understand just a part of the problem. We fix it, only to discover problems arising after the partial solution has repeated and still is repeating itself in lightning speed. (Facebook ads, YouTube child videos etc)”


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