

Een murb'ed feed, meer 6 jaar geleden geplaatst onder testing, frontend, scraping, command line & tools.

Crawling. It used to be relatively easy for quite some time: the web was curlabel. You could basicaly do it in a bash script. But with the advent of single page apps more and more ‘pages’ only exist because a script made them. Hence you need something more advanced, something that includes a Javascript parser. CasperJS helps you here. They even give a hint how to crawl Google. Let the example speak for itself:

var links = [];
var casper = require('casper').create();

function getLinks() {
    var links = document.querySelectorAll('h3.r a');
    return, function(e) {
        return e.getAttribute('href');

casper.start('', function() {
   // Wait for the page to be loaded

casper.then(function() {
   // search for 'casperjs' from google form
   this.fill('form[action="/search"]', { q: 'casperjs' }, true);

casper.then(function() {
    // aggregate results for the 'casperjs' search
    links = this.evaluate(getLinks);

Now the links-array has all the search results from the first page.

CasperJS has a basic testing framework included as well. So you can assert your truths. Happy crawling / blackbox testing :)

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