
A simple OAuth provider. See below for more information, or check out the source of CentralLogin on GitLab. To integrate it with your ruby-apps, use the omniauth-central_login gem.


An article, posted almost 3 years ago filed in devise, gem, authentication, openid, oauth, CentralLogin & login.

I just pushed omniauth-central_login to rubygems.org, to make it easy to integrate CentralLogin with other ruby apps. It is a companion gem to CentralLogin, a batteries included open source OAuth2 Provider based on Rails, Doorkeeper & Devise, with simple user managment tools.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

ruby gem 'omniauth-central_login'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install omniauth-central_login


Configuring Omniauth:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
    scope: "openid email profile",
    client_options: {
      site: ENV['CENTRAL_LOGIN_URL']

Configuration for Devise (using omniauthable):


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Introducing CentralLogin, an OpenID Connect Provider

An article, posted almost 3 years ago filed in ruby, CentralLogin, gem, rubygem, murb, authorization, authentication, roles, groups, resources, open source, mit & oauth.

This app builds on the foundations of the Doorkeeper, Doorkeeper::OpenidConnect and Devise to provide a central login system.

While Doorkeeper supports other OAuth flows, CentralLogin focusses on OpenID Connect as it is a more complete, and hence useful standard, for most use cases where you want to support authentication & authorization.

This project builds on years of juggling with different authentication providers and implementations. It may cut corners to be a pragmatic and less flexible solution which you can host on your own. You don't have to tie your users to a closed authentication system such as Auth0, Azure Directory, Cognito (the horror, really, stay away from it) or something else. In the past I've been a happy user of Keycloak, which is definitely way more advanced than this project, but it in the end it is a Java application and hence harder for me to maintain and not focussed on what I think are the core requirements :)

So, are you in the market for:

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