Links as online currency

An article, posted more than 15 years ago filed in trust, personal, authoraty, identity & science.

In his blog, Jure Cuhalev, poses the question: "What do you think about linking? Would you agree to get payed and valued based on number of incoming links to your personal blog?"Well, first of all, my technorati rating is low… I'm not active in the blogosphere and all that… so personally I'd rather not like to get paid based on my incoming links ;), but that's besides the point…. his basic idea is interesting: incoming links may tell us something about our authorativeness.I don't think so…I don't believe that incoming links tell us something about our authorativeness. Let me start with an counter example that dismays, imho, this idea: Paris Hilton. I just linked to her. Does this mean I think she is an authority? No, personally I'd rather  consider her as the anti-authoraty… still, she is famous. For what? I don't know, I don't care, and I don't even want to know more about her. The point is: links are nothing but relations. Simply basing a…

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