Pretty Persistent IDentifiers (PPID)

An article, posted about one month ago filed in pid, links, isbn, science, archive, url, uri, web & semantic.

If you're into archival stuf, you've probably come across the concept of PIDs. PIDs help organisations attribute data to consistently identified objects. There are different PID-schemes. Books can be persistently be identified by their ISBN. In science, DOIs are popular to identify scientific articles. And there are plenty of other persistent identifiers.

What most of them share is the following: they need to be registered. And while that could be a good thing, I've seen wel meant attempts at creating a PID where the central entity went rogue, links are dependent on a centralised resolver and it all falls apart.

The requirements

When I was tasked by yet another request to create a long lasting QR label the requirements were clear:

  • The basis had to be a URL (QR Codes can contain anything, but URLs deliver the best UX)
  • It should have a fallback: the url should not be a meaningless string; it should at least …

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