
other web

Een murb'ed feed, meer 5 jaar geleden geplaatst onder typography, design, web, ux, future, css, print & style.

Interesting way to start a designer’s website. With a full argument. I was searching for the permanent url, but the main page was it. Here an excerpt:

Today other web design is treated a bit like a luxury that is available to a limited number of projects in creative and cultural areas. This is most likely due to the context, cultural code and a certain level of expectation among the audience. Still, unexpected and bold examples exist where manifestations of other web design look like a rare and very relevant find.

Other web design should not become a new standard on the web. It is is hardly possible to blindly copy and implement its properties and principles. I would like therefore to avoid strong statements, and simply claim that modern web design deserves a cohesive and thoughtful approach to content structure, navigation, and the choice of expressive means. In this sense, the sites of other web serve as an important reference point for the development of web design

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