
Simple, Secure File Transmission - Viget

Een murb'ed feed, ongeveer 11 jaren geleden geplaatst onder simple, openssl, tips, command, unix, encryption & commandline.

basic summary:

openssl aes-256-cbc -a -salt -pass "pass:$2" -in $1 -out $1.enc   
echo "openssl aes-256-cbc -d -a -pass \"pass:XXX\" -in $1.enc -out $1"

make this into a simple script e.g. wich you call with file_to_encrypt "and_passphrase_here" and then you’re good to go. the output of the script tells you how to decrypt it… of course where XXX is said you ‘ve to tell the other to enter the right passphrase… obviously through another channel (just in case someone is listening).

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