Copying / syncing files over a local network with rsync

An article, posted about 3 years ago filed in how i do it, rsync, copy, files, unix & macos.

Just a short article to document for myself how to copy a large directory (e.g. a user-folder) over a local network. While (s)cp might work for smaller operations, rsync is my preferred tool as you can restart it when it breaks + in case you found an optimization, you can just abort and restart. Some things to take into account before I share the command:

So here is the command:

rsync -aWP --inplace --exclude-from=exclude-file.txt murb@someaddress:/Users/username/ .


My exclude file looked like this:


Note that some of the excluded files might be useful if you’re offline for a longer period of time on your new machine, but typically you can rebuild the contents directly from the sources.

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