
How to block unwanted IP addresses on Linux efficiently

A murb'ed feed, posted about 7 years ago filed in server, configuration, debian, linux, ip & filtering.

tl;dr: You can block IP’s using IPtables DROP command:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -s i.p.add.ress -p TCP -j DROP 

However, this is hard to maintain. Use the ipset tool:

sudo apt-get install ipset 
sudo ipset create banthis hash:net 
sudo ipset list 
sudo ipset add banthis i.p.add.ress
sudo ipset add banthis i.p.add.ress
sudo ipset add banthis i.p.add.ress

then add the ipset:

sudo iptables -I INPUT -m set --match-set banthis src -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j DROP 

Go to the original link.