Simple thoughts on art

An article, posted more than 9 years ago filed in art, music, experience, inspiration & stress.

Art is everything men made. Most of what we see is men made. But the art that typically makes it to our museums, stages and concert halls is the art that makes us wonder, rethink, that shocks and discomforts us, that stresses and distresses but also can heal and comfort, or just let us weep. There is no single definition.

The definition doesn’t matter. Some functions may be more or less important to you as an observer. To me as someone who needs to be able to think creatively, the wondering, ever critiquing and chaos inflicting aspects of art are most important. Chaos often leads to new insights. And in music I enjoy the fact how it can give place to the emotions that I experience or have experienced and at other times it allows me to better understand emotions of others.

Venues give place to really sit down and rethink and absorb. But you can also immerse yourself in a movie or documentary or a record playing in your house. Although, like with relaxing at home versus going on a vacation: you might catch up with your daily musings too quickly if you always stay at home.

Simple thoughts on art

To those who’re happy with all there is tend to neglect art. Maybe they’re right. Maybe we’ve already found the best configuration of how to happily live together, and we shouldn’t be confronted with some weirdo’s who want to discomfort us. But still, I’d say: not everyone is happy with the current state of affairs: I’d urge even the most self-satisfied conservative to try and understand what is going on. Art offers an platform for exchanging ideas and emotions.

I just overheard a Dutch guide telling how ‘interesting’ it was to see art from artists from Tuvalu or some other exotic place.

Although art can be viewed as funny, extraordinary or simply as a nice touch, I’d say the relevancy of this type of experience is negligible.

The best part of experiencing art comes after having seen the piece(s) of art. It’s like after a good run, you feel fitter again. It’s like a diner where long after you’ve enjoyed it still remember the fine touches the cook made. Whether it is unrest, joy, wonder, the drive to change the world, or… Go (out) and explore art.

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