The refreshed website

An article, posted almost 17 years ago filed in web, design, work, & opensource.

Sometimes you need an excuse for not doing the work you should be working on. I should be working fulltime+ on my graduation project, but I can’t, my Excuse is the new website

I joined the guys at the mailinglist (well, never left them really, just started to reply again), and it was clear that there was work to be done. The previous website, which I had designed, was getting outdated. And not only that… Although the previous site was a necessary step to make, it has never been a great step. It was the result of endless debates between ‘dev’ers’ and people, like me, who wanted to turn it more into a promotion website. Anyhow, compromises never lead to great design… so it was time for a new one. Also I never think of myself as a graphic designer, Ivan Miskovic is a much better graphic designer than I am. For now I’ll leave you with the original posting at OOo news (always good for your ego, isn’t it?):

Led by Maarten Brouwers, the Website team has designed and implemented a clean new style that we believe will make it easier to find, download it, and learn about it and the project that has grown with it. Thanks to Maarten, to Ivan Miskovic, the lead designer, Christian Lohmaier, chief infrastrucure wizard, and to Graham Lauder, who came up with the basic action statements idea, Kay Schenk, Alexandro Colorado, André Wyrwa, and the many others not mentioned here but no less important to the effort who contributed their ideas, night hours and persistence to doing this–and doing it right.

Well, there is still a lot to be done, e.g. restyling and restructuring many of the subpages, but I believe it is looking so much better, cleaner, simpler, already, don’t you agree?

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