Installing ruby with Capistrano & rbenv

An article, posted almost 3 years ago filed in capistrano, rbenv, deployment, script, task, automation & ruby.

While we're supposed to create docker(y) images and deploy these to the cloud, I'm still comfortable deploying and maintaining quite a range of applications using Capistrano (this builds on the battle tested server management process that I outlined more than 7 years ago). But Capistrano and its plugins are typically aimed at performing application level tasks, and not so much about configuring the environment.

I typically install ruby using rbenv. To deploy ruby apps using rbenv a Capistrano plugin exist (capistrano/rbenv) but it is missing the commands to install and/or update the ruby installation.

This snippet presented here adds a few commands:

  • cap rbenv:install ## installs rbenv
  • cap rbenv:update ## updates rbenv & install…

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