I’ve been using f.lux (cross-platform, free) after reading about it on Seth Robert’s blog (in his post titled “A Clue About How To Sleep Better”).
Here's more about f.lux from Book of Joe:
Is your insomnia the result of your computer screen?In yesterday's Washington Post Health section Greg Linch's reported on how the light from a computer or iPad screen may potentially disrupt the brain's melatonin production and cause insomnia.
He then described an interesting desktop application called f.lux, which "adjusts a computer screen's color throughout the day. During daylight hours, the screen's undertone is the familiar blue. As sundown approaches, it begins transitioning to a warm shade of red-orange. In the morning, it's cool blue again." "The software application, which launched in February 2009, works with Windows, Mac and Linux.
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