
An article, posted about 14 years ago filed in blog, freelance, household, start, ux & zzp.

Een huishoudelijke mededeling: Gisteren heb ik mij aangemeld bij de kamer van koophandel. Als zelfstandige zonder personeel. De rol van deze blog zal dan ook iets 'commerciëler' worden waarbij type bericht herkenbaar worden aan de taal waarin ze geschreven zijn. Nederlandse posts gaan over het bedrijf, de Nederlandse markt, of tips hoe zelfs mensen die niet in het mens-machine vakgebied zitten hun producten toegankelijker kunnen maken. Posts in het Engels daarentegen gaan dieper op de materie in, en vereisen mogelijk ook wat achtergrond kennis van het vakgebied. Ik hoop binnenkort een filter aan te bieden waarmee geselecteerd kan worden op enkel Nederlandse, of juist engelse Engelse posts.Note to the non-Dutch readers: In this post I'm announcing my start as a freelance UX consultant. Hence the role of this blog will change. From now on, when I write a post in Dutch it is typically targeted at a wider audience, including people that don't necessarily care…

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[PREVIEW] Stories of Life project

An article, posted almost 16 years ago filed in work, freelance, imagineic & stories_of_life.

For some time now, I have been working on converting an old final year's project (that I did at the EMMA programme at the Utrecht School of Arts) to the web. It is the so called 'Levensverhalen' project (or 'Stories of Life', in English). It is now time for a pre-launch, to make sure nothing is severely broken. So please have a look at: that this site relies heavily on Windows Media. Although it was not my video format of choice, hosting in this format was offered to us for free via the Dutch Institute for Image and Sound. Additionally, non-Dutch visitors should be warned that, although the interface mainly icon based, subtitles are only offered in Dutch. Immigrants were allowed to speak in their native language.The website should work on all popular browsers running Windows or Mac OS X, with the proper codecs installed. The main challenge was to convert the Macromedia Director based offline front end to something …

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