Traditional software is downloaded, installed, then run. With web applications it is different. These are built, then pushed to a remote server and then the interface of that application is presented to the screen of the users via web-technologies like HTML, CSS & JavaScript, in the past sometimes assisted by Flash, these days using WASM. Besides that web applications need databases, storage, cache-systems, maybe a search solution, and sometimes more dedicated tools. From the end-user's perspective, it became a lot easier (although more restrictive) to access these tools, but getting it up and running got harder.
In the old days web software was deployed by uploading software via FTP, in a folder that was then read by a web server, and then presented to the user of the web-application. I've also deployed compiled .war files manually via a tomcat web-interface. Databases, storage, these were all pretty much managed by hand, sometimes even requiring physically adding a new drive or…
I haven't had much need for isolating services, something that Docker is really good at. Most dependencies of my Rails apps are covered by Gemfile
anyway (and packages.json
for JavaScript) and reasonably isolated with rbenv
. I don't experience version related issues very often, as I try to stay reasonably up to date and not rely too much on the very state of the art. For temporary projects, however, Docker is a great solution, even for me :o I don’t want an entire JBoss suite running on my machine, so when I had to develop a Keycloak template I knew that Docker would be the right tool. While I’m going to discuss the specifics of getting started with a Keycloak image, the workflow described is replaceable by any other.
So what about Keycloak? Keycloak is a role based authorization and authentication tool …
Dit artikel van murblog van Maarten Brouwers (murb) is in licentie gegeven volgens een Creative Commons Naamsvermelding 3.0 Nederland licentie .