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An article, posted more than 2 years ago filed in capistrano, deployment, automation, ruby & docker.

Capistrano doesn't evolve as quickly anymore but it still delivers and is still being maintained. It dates from before docker & autoscaling kubernetes were in wide use. I still prefer the simplicity of the tool: Capistrano I can understand, it is just a nice layer on running scripts on a remote server. Below some posts I did on Capistrano.

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Using your ruby-webmock configuration for your local test service

An article, posted about 5 years ago filed in docker, development, rails, ruby, VCR, testing, resources, laptop & offline.

I recently shared an overview article about Stubbing External Services in Rails. I found it when looking for the best way to stub a pletora of services in a microservices environment. Sure, docker (or whatever) everything and run it locally / in your test suite. But unless you've plenty of disk- and memory space, this isn't always a viable option. The alternative: simulate the service. Mock or stub the endpoint.

VCR and Webmock

The go to gems are Webmock, which catches request and allows you to define the responses explicitly and VCR, which allows you to record responses, and play back.

VCR is quite cool, but as it is a recorder of earlier responses, there may be a lot of noise to dig trough when trying to make the responses a bit more generic (dealing with random token requests and what else)

For testing I pers…

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De eerste vier zaken op een (macOS) ontwikkelmachine voor beginners

An article, posted more than 5 years ago filed in development, help, macos, system, configuration, php, python, ruby, vscode, sublimetext, editor, docker & homebrew.
  1. Update eerst naar de laatste versie van ’t OS, Mojave. Je kunt deze gratis downloaden in de App store, zie upgrade instructies voor Mojave.
  2. Installeer homebrew … macOS Terminal (zeg maar de Command Prompt van de Mac) vind je door Cmd+Spatie in te drukken en vervolgens "Terminal" te zoeken (meestal vind je die al na de eerste paar letters). Vervolgens de regel invoeren (kopiëren & plakken) die de website vermeld. Soms moet je extra dingen installeren; het script zal je daar doorheen leiden. Overigens, dat commando, Cmd+Spatie, opent wat Spotlight heet, ik vind dat de gemakkelijkste manier om programma’s te starten.
  3. Install Docker for mac (je hebt hier tegenwoordig helaas een account bij DockerHub voor nodig). Dit download een DiskImage, sleep het programma naar de programma’s map (zoals het image waarschijnlijk ook al aangeeft in de achterg…

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Developing Keycloak templates with Docker

An article, posted more than 6 years ago filed in docker, keycloak, template, javascript, development, css & html.

I haven't had much need for isolating services, something that Docker is really good at. Most dependencies of my Rails apps are covered by Gemfile anyway (and packages.json for JavaScript) and reasonably isolated with rbenv. I don't experience version related issues very often, as I try to stay reasonably up to date and not rely too much on the very state of the art. For temporary projects, however, Docker is a great solution, even for me :o I don’t want an entire JBoss suite running on my machine, so when I had to develop a Keycloak template I knew that Docker would be the right tool. While I’m going to discuss the specifics of getting started with a Keycloak image, the workflow described is replaceable by any other.

So what about Keycloak? Keycloak is a role based authorization and authentication tool …

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