Revisiting taming ruby's memory bloat meta-edition

An article, posted about 5 years ago filed in ruby, memory, bloat, consumption, speed & rails.
Revisiting taming ruby's memory bloat meta-edition

There are a lot of things that I don't understand. One of these things is how memory management really works. Memory management is hard, and even though I use languages that do garbage collecting by themselves, long running ruby apps seem to run out of memory after n number of days. Even the pro’s find it quite hard. While I previously resetted the failing app every now and then, I was triggered by Mike Perham’s (creator of Sidekiq) post: “Taming Rails memory bloat”.

When you start searching for the memory bloat problem, you'll find several directions. The easiest is changing a global variable which changes the number of “arena’s” where memory allocation takes place (note: I’m in no position to explain all this, please follow the references). The fanciest, however, seems to be changing the memory allocator from glibc's default 'malloc' to jemalloc. See for example [this](…

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An article, posted almost 8 years ago filed in route, gps, life, problem, society & consumption.

It seems to happen, people who are at their thirties completely lost in their career.

For life’s problem of feeling lost there is no GPS, nor a map. Don’t expect enjoyment in random short lived ‘interesting’ idea consumption, try week+ long exploration of unknown territory instead.

When young, society allows you to try new stuff, but at the age of 30 you might start to think that society expects you to know it all. That you’re the senior. Stop believing this.

There is no route other than the one you’re taking. Continue, explore and experience, but ignore expectations. Finding optimal happiness is an NP-hard problem, try to find your happiness in traversing.

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