Wednesday at The Next Web a review of presentations

An article, posted almost 16 years ago filed in web, internet, next, the, music, network, sound & interaction.

Note: My ticket was sponsered by The Bean Machine I'm working for. Thank you!


The best talk of the day. Free is not important. Its about the bulb, not about the light. What happens around something is interesting. Any sufficiently interesting content is indistinguishable from cnotent. Kelly defines things that add value to something free. Context can 'make' (or the lack of context can probably break, ed.) the music. Relevance is defining the personal quality of music. The block buster approach doesn't work as well anymore. New schemes of music publishing arise. Use other people to help and promote your music, involve users in creation. Build relationships. Allow them, at a premium price, get additional material (e.g. multitrack version). SoundCloud makes it more accessible.


Cool concept from 3voor12: FIY, film it yourself. Concert registrations done by combining video recordings from many.


Chaotic talk. API's, talk about the product, all mixed up. Some key points made that were worth remembering though: services should be designed as adaptive. Don't stuck to some model, adapt if users require you to do so. Also try developing some online concept of currency in your app, so users can earn, or allow people to buy, extra features. Consider that it makes sense when also trying to make 'money' (or value) from users in third world countries.


Really nice man presenting, Lucas gonze. A quite refreshing (again) take on music online. Just forget about the legislation crap. Use what is available for free. Search for the 'check out my new track' posts on fora, and republish, curate them. Add some art to it. To some extent its like saying a thank you to the musician, who probably just created it for fun. He embraces the fact that the internet is full of musical gems, and attention worthy. Adding context (word borrowed from soundcloud presentation), like a bit of simple 'art', makes them interesting to others. (Hmm.. pity though that its flash isn't working with GNASH (opensource flash implementation))

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