The better interface: Is it about fun, or about identity? interface should have some sort of identity

An article, posted about 16 years ago filed in experience, design, interaction, communication, identity & emotion.

Ryan, at the 37 signals' signal vs. noise blog, quotes an article at techradar about 'Why Apple is great at interfaces when others are not':

I like how Nick draws a connection between good UI and ‘fun’. We don’t talk much about fun in usability circles.

In the techradar article, elements like the nodding password entry box when a faulty password is entered, and other supposedly minor adjustments to the interface are making the interface more 'fun' to work with. But I'd say that that isn't really about fun, but has more to do with 'identity'? The computer can be made more personal with only slight tweaks. It can be made to have character.

Fun to me is more like little features that may make you smile every now and then... that, however, doesn't make a great interface. Character, identity, on the other hand, could. It allows you to get to know the beast in front of you. Connect. Understand. Understandable interfaces make usable, user friendly, machines. Machines you like to connect with.

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