Sorry, even wat borstklopperij, maar ben wel een beetje trots hierop. Enkele jaren geleden werd ik door een oud collega van mij geïnformeerd: hij had gehoord over een project waarvoor ze eigenlijk iemand zochten met mijn profiel (mijn naam was zelfs genoemd). Interaction design achtergrond, in staat zelfstandig een UI neer te zetten op basis van moderne standaarden. De opdracht: een oude extranet applicatie, met een historie uit begin jaren nul even een nieuwe smoel geven (en responsive maken). De opdracht werd gepubliceerd, ik reageerde, en uiteindelijk werd besloten dat ik deze mocht uitvoeren.
Het bleek te gaan om een verzameling oude stijl PHP en CGI scripts. Met een op framesets gebaseerde layout, zoals je dat rond 2000 wel vaker zag. Ik ken veel collega’s die liever wegrennen bij een dergelijke opdracht, zoveel oude code, zoveel historie, maar ik had het idee dat ik het wel kon doen. Een aanbestedingstraject voor een volledige nieuwbouw bleek jaren geleden mislukt omdat de …
Since his talk at Fronteers I was interested in the thinking of Brad Frost, his blog posts, etc., but never actually read his book Atomic design until recently, as it got more and more relevant to an internal discussion at an organization I was working for. A few notes:
I tried to understand the argument made for styled components vs. ‘traditional’ CSS. But when reviewing these arguments I found out that they typically use bad code as proof for their point.
See e.g. the following SCSS code:
$blue = #5DBCD2;
@mixin button-styles($bg-color, $color) {
background: $bg-color;
color: $color;
border: none;
border-radius: 0.20em;
background: darken($bg-color, 6%);
cursor: pointer;
.button {
@include button-styles(#ddd, black)
.button--primary {
@include button-styles($blue, white)
To pair with a simple component along the lines of:
const Buttons = props => (
export default Buttons
The suggested alternative is:
import themeVars from "myTheme"
import styled from "styled-components"
import { darken } from "polished"
const B...
Congratulations, you started working with one of the popular front-end frameworks. Both Vue and React are excellent choices to create rich and reactive applications. But sometimes, you 'just' want to show the user another page. Whether it is a simple about page, or another 'section' in the app. In this post I will cover both Vue en React and, little bonus, “React on steroids”, NextJS.
It is important to know that you need a router to make in-app pagination work. If you look up router and your favourite framework you're probably find a way to do it, accompanied with some ways to actually not do it. Hence, here I'll focus on the right way.
While you can make everything clickable (or touch-able), it is important that enabling navigation between pages was already a core concept when the web was invented. Even when writing webpages using React, Vue, or most other JavaScript frameworks, it ends up as HTML to the browser (with JavaScript & CSS). HT…
To put it in some context: these days recruiters call you whether you know this or that framework. Well not really, really well. But it is just JavaScript. Or ECMAScript (or a flavour of it by Microsoft called TypeScript). But above all it is just a tool to get stuff done. Not every job needs a bulldozer. And besides the bulldozers React and Angular there is Vue.js and plenty more. Choose your tools wisely.
Targeted at those with low spec phones, Twitter today launched Twitter Lite, a product build on a modern suite of technologies that should be ring a bell with most front-enders today.
The new Twitter frontend is built using React (nb. made by Facebook), Redux, Normalizr, Globalize, Babel, Webpack, Jest, WebdriverIO, and Yarn (they have written about how they built it.
It is a good thing to see a large company not giving up on the open web. I’ve added the new Twitter Lite app to my phone (running iOS) and see if it can replace the native app (as I did with Facebook before). My first impression is pretty good. Most importantly, as promised: it loads faster, even without support for ServiceWorkers (while iOS 1.0 only allowed for web apps, its level of support is kind of bleak when compared to the efforts made by Google and Firefox). It could use some animation …
As a web-developer you typically assume that your users are always using your app on-line. When asked a year ago to start developing an app for the art-consulting firm QKunst I was, however, specifically asked for a tool that had to work in bunkers. Bunkers where having a solid internet connection was typically the exception. No problem, I read about HTML5 and offline app-cache: I thought I could fix that. More about that soon.
When faced a (technical) challenge I typically search for the easiest way out: what would be the slightest change I’d have to make to my battle tested set-up to accommodate for the new challenging feature. In my case this battle tested set-up starts of with the Ruby on Rails stack, which builds on techniques that align well with how I believe the web should work too. RESTful (proper HTTP-messaging and URLs), semantic, CURL-able. And all graceful…
This was originally posted at CoffeeAndOrange
You may have asked yourself if you shouldn’t invest more time getting started with this thing called styled components (or CSS-in-JS). They get heavily promoted in modern front-end application frameworks. And sure, they look interesting.
While it depends may be the only right answer, sometimes you might be simply making things more difficult than really needed. You’re fixing the wrong problem.
Take for example the SCSS code.
$blue = #5DBCD2;
@mixin button-styles($bg-color, $color) {
background: $bg-color;
color: $color;
border: none;
border-radius: 0.20em;
background: darken($bg-color, 6%);
cursor: pointer;
.button {
@include button-styles(#ddd, black)
.button--primary {
@include button-styles($blue, white)
To pair with a simple component along the lines of:
const Buttons = props => ...
Dit artikel van murblog van Maarten Brouwers (murb) is in licentie gegeven volgens een Creative Commons Naamsvermelding 3.0 Nederland licentie .