
Brands: Beyond the interface

Een murb'ed feed, bijna 6 jaren geleden geplaatst onder brands, branding, interface, gui, design, experience, ux & ui.

Does it bother you wether everything looks kind of the same? It kind of does to me. But…

As much as sameness in digital is real, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Standardization of interfaces does bring clear consumer advantages. On top of that, digital has brought brands an extremely rich means of expression. This goes way beyond the interface. Brands should take full advantage of this by creating memorable digital experiences. A powerful way to reach memorability is by evoking feelings.

please read the article for a the entire, thorough argument, yet I don’t want to be convinced. Actually I hate it when every bar looks like yet another hipster coffee place. Yes I carry an iPhone. I have to come with a rebuttal, one day.

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