Own and publish it yourself solving the problem of attribution

An article, posted more than 14 years ago filed in content, self, publishing, keen, andrew keen, attribution, copy, ucg, web 2.0, trackback, semantic web & web2.0.

In an ideal world, content has just a single place it lives, speaking W3Cish, at the URL. Preferably, I'd say, that URL is part of your domain.

You created the content and therefore you should own the content and also publish it.

I don't think it has much to do with 'ego' (which has a negative connotation), but is more about 'identity'. Think about Andrew Keen's critique on all this web2.0 user generated content. Keen basically says that much of the user generated content is lacking attribution. Because it is is lacking attribution it is hard to value, hard to judge, which is a bad thing in a culture where we build ideas on top of others. Owning and publishing the content yourself (via your own 'blog') solves that issue to some extend. But that is in theory.

You want to make sure readers find your ramblings, hence it is important to make sure your work is where your readers are. The thing you could do right now is simply duplicate your content. But the primary source should be your self-owned source (and hence, Rob Lumley, I'd suggest you should link from this post to the version on your own blog, instead of the other way around). It is, however, good citizenship. It is a service to your own readers, your host Drawar.com (which enables you to address issues to a larger audience than your own) and last but not least to the people who want to build upon your work to point out other legitimate copies of the same post).

In the future I'd love to see this situation of manually copying being solved.  Thechniques like Trackbacks are a way of solving it, but there are still quite some problems associated with these ...

This post was in response to Do I Need A Blog? by Rob Lumley found via Drawar.com (deep link). The primary source for this comment is Own and publish it yourself @ murb.nl

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